ScienceDirect eBooks
ScienceDirect eBooks
ScienceDirect is a platform from Elsevier that contains eBooks, Book Series, Handbooks, Reference Works and Journals. ScienceDirect is an open platform which means that you can preview foreword, table of contents, abstracts etc for all titles, but fulltext is only available for owned titles. Brac University has purchased 828 eBooks within Pharmacology, Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Science and Finance subjects which are available to print, download, or read online.
Please note that Brac University does not have access to all content on ScienceDirect. Too see only content BracU have access to refine by 'Access type' and check the box for 'Subscribed and complimentary' before you search for a book title.
Subject Strengths
• Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science
• Finance
Access Details
On-Campus: No User ID or Password Required
Off-Campus: Athens ID and Password Required
Authorized Users
This service is available to faculty, staff, and students of Brac University