• All students, faculty members and staff of BRAC University with valid IDs are automatically members of the Library.
  • Patrons must use their valid ID card to access library services and resources.
  • Journals, magazines, newspapers and Reference Collection items are not for loan.

Patrons in the following categories may borrow items from BRAC University library. See the table below to see additional information on library privileges and loan periods.

Member Category Number of Items Loan Period Over due fines
(Tk / day)
Book (BK) Audio Visual (AV) Book (BK) (Weeks) Audio Visual (AV) (Days) Book (BK) Audio Visual (AV)
Student (ST) 4 1 1 3 5 10 1
Faculty (F) 6 2 Whole Semester 3 5 10 2
Administrative Staff (AD) 3 1 2 3 5 10 1
Contact Staff (CS) 2 1 1 3 5 10 1
Department (DP) 50   1 (Year)        

Returning & Renewing Items


  • Items on loan may be renewed if no request is placed for those items.
  • Renewals may be done in the following ways:


  • Members must return/renew items borrowed within the due date range.
  • Items must be returned to Ayesha Abed Library, BRAC University.


  • Holds may be placed for materials that are currently checked out.
  • One can place hold through the online catalogue system.
  • Borrowers will be notified for pick-up when the item is returned.


  • Borrower can recall for currently loaned items in urgent need by contacting circulation desk.
  • BRAC University library reserves the right to recall borrowed materials before the due date.

Overdue & Fines


  • Item/s will be considered as overdue if any user fails to return or renew the item/s within the due date range
  • Borrower will not be able to borrow if he/she has overdue.
  • Borrowing privileges will be suspended until the item/s is/are returned and the penalty for non-returned item/s is/are paid.
  • Notices will be served through e-mail to student/staff e-mail accounts.
  • Borrowers are responsible for checking that e-mail account.


  • Tk. 5.00 (Five) only per calendar day for each Book item (BK).
  • Tk. 5.00 (Five) only per hour for One Hour Loan Items (1-Hour).
  • Tk. 10.00 (Ten) only per calendar day for each Audio Visual item (AV).

Lost Items

  • If the borrowed item(s) is/are not returned within 6 (six) weeks, the item(s) will be considered as lost.
  • Item(s) lost by the borrower must be:
    • Replaced by a new copy of the same item or
    • The latest edition of the same item or
    • Pay a replacement cost two times current market price of the borrowed item(s)
  • The borrower will be solely liable for the full replacement of cost and accumulated fines for the item(s) borrowed.