
Thesis Template

The Library thesis template is a Microsoft Word file designed to assist students in preparing thesis. The template and instructions are .docx files, and have been tested in Word 2013.

Report Template

The Library report template is a Microsoft Word file designed to assist students in preparing thesis. The template and instructions are .docx files, and have been tested in Word 2013.

Final Year Design Project (FYDP)

This course has been redesigned as a major design project course, named Final Year Design Project (FYDP) course . The course offering mode, prerequisite, outcomes, assessment methods etc. have been revised accordingly.

LaTeX Template

This Project was developed using Overleaf(https://www.overleaf.com/), an online LaTeX editor that allows real-time collaboration and online compiling of projects to PDF format. In comparison to other LaTeX editors, Overleaf is a server-based application, which is accessed through a web browser.
Students can upload the .zip file in Overleaf and start writing their Thesis.
Project Structure:

  • Appendix: Contains “appendix.txt” files.
  • Bibliography: Contains “references.bib” file.
  • Chapters: Contains “chapter.txt” files. For every chapter, create separate “chapter.txt” files.
  • Core: This folder will contain following files:
    declaration.txt, approval.txt, ethics_statement.txt, abstract.txt, dedication.txt, acknowledgement.txt, titlepage.txt
  • Images: Contains all images files.
  • Main.txt
    This is the main.txt file. All the packages and environment variable are declared in main.txt. All others .txt files are referred from this file.

If you have any questions or concerns about the latex template, please feel free to contact us directly.
Download LaTex Template (zip file)


Please check acceptable binding preference as follows

  • Undergraduate Thesis: Hard Cover shall be in Black with Gold lettering
  • Undergraduate Report: Spiral Binding
  • Masters Thesis: Hard Cover shall be in Blue with Gold lettering

FAQs regarding Thesis

1. How to Cite / Reference ?

Please check the Style Guides & Citation Builders for details on APA, MLA, IEEE, and Chicago styles.

2. Where do I Look for Resources?

Visit the library Resources page.
You can check the Subject Guide page, which is designed to help you find information and access materials relevant to your department.

3. Where do I Look for Previous Thesis & Reports?

Find perivious thesis, dissertation and internship reports at dspace.bracu.ac.bd

4. Need Assistance?

Need help to get started with your research, send an email to [email protected]