Journals and Databases

Use the following online journals and databases to find the relevant journal articles and conference proceedings of electrical engineering, computer science, and related disciplines. You can access the subscribed online journals and databases both on and off-campus access.

  • IEEE Xplore Digital Library

    IEEE Xplore digital library subscription includes full text access to IEEE Journals and Conferences (All-Society Periodicals Package (ASPP) + Conference Proceedings Order Plans (POP) All Package).

  • EBSCOhost (Academic Search Premier)

    This multi-disciplinary database provides full text journals of computer science and related disciplines.

  • Cambridge University Press Journals

    Full text access to online Journals related to computer science.

  • Springer E-journals

    Providing researchers with access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols, reference works and proceedings.

  • Wiley Online Library

    Wiley Online Library is a leading international resource for scientific, technical, medical and scholarly content providing access to millions of articles across a wide range of journals.

  • SPIE Digital Library

    Full-text electronic, journal and conference articles in optics, photonics, and imaging.

  • Scopus

    World's largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature.


All eBooks that the BRACU Library purchases are available in the library's catalog. You can find books by title, author or keyword. You can also browse collections of eBooks directly to the eBook’s packages listed below. You can access the purchased eBooks both on and off-campus access.

Find dissertations and theses

The Ayesha Abed Library's thesis collection holds a large collection thesis deposited at the Brac University since the degree began in its present form. The following these are uploaded on Dspace (the University’s Institutional Repository)

Useful Websites

  • arXiv

    Also known as or arxiv e-Print archive. Open access archive for scholarly articles and preprints in physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. Articles and e-prints are not peer-reviewed by arXiv

  • CiteSeer.IST (NEC & Penn State)

    It searches and evaluate the computer science literature by using the innovative Autonomous Citation Indexing (ACI) to autonomously create a citation index.

  • DBLP Computer Science Bibliography

    The dblp computer science bibliography provides open bibliographic information on major computer science journals and proceedings.

  • engrXiv preprints

    engrXiv (engineering archive) is dedicated to the dissemination of engineering knowledge quickly and efficiently.

  • TechRxiv

    TechRxiv (pronounced "tech archive") is an open, moderated preprint server for unpublished research in electrical engineering, computer science, and related technology.

Get Help

Book an appointment with a librarian for expert assistance with:

  • Getting started with your thesis
  • Planning your search to save time and stress
  • Choosing the best search tools and sources
  • Keyword searching and other strategies
  • Applying referencing styles

For appointment send an email to [email protected]

Manage your references

Style Guides

Use these quick and comprehensive guides for examples of how to cite common types of sources in APA, MLA, IEEE, and Chicago styles.

Citation Management

Thesis Help

The Library thesis template is designed to assist students in preparing thesis.