Turnitin Feedback Studio
Access to Turnitin:
Students: We are only providing student accounts on a course basis. Students can check the similarity index of their writings through the course instructor, thesis/internship supervisor.
Faculty Members: Faculty members are entitled to access Turnitin on request. For the Instructor account, please email at [email protected].
Turnitin Instruction Manual
Turnitin Feedback Studio is the only comprehensive online learning solution proven to deter plagiarism and foster a culture of academic integrity. It empowers instructors with time-saving grading and personalised feedback tools that engage students and develop critical thinkers.
Turnitin Feedback Studio to Support Remote Learning
Here you'll find a collection of downloadable resources, videos, and blogs that discuss best practices for using Feedback Studio remotely to help students continue to feel engaged and supported amidst these challenging times.
Online Video Tutorial
A pre-recorded video with different roles info at a different time of playback
User Guide
Turnitin Instructor's account
Step - 1: If you haven't requested for a 'Turnitin Instructor's account' from the library, then please do so by sending an email to [email protected]
Step - 2: When your request is approved by the librarian and initial account setup is done, you will get a confirmation email from the Turnitin
Step - 3: Visit the Turnitin Site and 'Click The Login Link' located on the top right corner.
Step - 4: Once the login box appears, click on the 'Reset Password' link like the following:
Step - 5: Fill in the necessary details and 'Click The Next' button.
Step - 6: Click the 'Forgot your answer?' link and an email like the following will be sent to your email address carrying a 'Password Reset Link'
Step - 7: Follow the instructions from the above email and set a new password for your instructor's account.
Step - 8: Once your account is ready, visit the following link for further instructions
*For any further assistance please feel free to contact at [email protected]
Paper Deletion Request
There are two types of deletions in Turnitin. Removing a paper from the Inbox and requesting a permanent deletion.
Requesting a permanent deletion: A request will be sent to the Turnitin administrator for your institution. They'll then review the request and approve it if they agree the paper should be deleted.
Removing a paper from the inbox: Papers will be removed from view, but not deleted from Turnitin. Papers will still appear in Similarity matches.