The trial access of SAGE Journals 11 Subject collections has been activated for BRAC University’s IP through UGC Digital Library consortium and it will be available up to 30th October 2017.

Access information:

Off-Campus Access: Not Available

On-Campus Access: No User ID or Password Required

Access to Collections: Current Year + all back issues

Access URL:

Please follow the under noted steps to avail the accessibility of the trail content

1. Log on to:

2. BRAC university name will be showing on the upside right of the window.

3. Click Browse tab.

4. You may select your trail accessed journals from here to see full text HTML or   pdf of it.

5. Browse journals by discipline (Health Sciences, Life & Biomedical Sciences, Materials Science & Engineering, and Social Science & Humanities) and corresponding subjects.

6. Click the journal title to go to the homepage, where you can view journal information, Online First articles, and tables of contents, as well as conduct journal-level searches.

7. You may select your trail accessed / subscribed journals from here to see full text HTML or pdf of it.

We value your feedback on this trial. Please share your views by sending email to





SAGE_journals_ subject _collections.xls