Birth of Bangladesh : the politics of history and the history of politics /

Kabir, Nurul.

Birth of Bangladesh : the politics of history and the history of politics / Nurul Kabir. - Dhaka : Samhati Publications, 2022 [Second impression]. - 1230 pages ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Prologue. Birth of Bangladesh through a national liberation war: Misleading narratives of a leading political Event
I. Politics of history and history of politics: Trapping Bangladesh movement in classist, partisan, gendered and jingoistic historiography
II. Neo-colonialist rule of (West) Pakistan: Making of the Bangladesh movement in the East
III. West's Betrayal ignites flame of national liberation in the East: Hesitant leadership lagging behind a rebellious people
IV. West's murderous military mayhem: Initial resistance by an unprepared East
V. Belated proclamation of Bangladesh's independence: Political failure at the moment of truth
VI. Fighting the Liberation War: The wars within and beyond the war
VII. National war, global activism and international polarisation: Politics of regional dominance and birth of Bangladesh
VIII. The Left's liberation war and the League's illiberal hostilities: Selective silence of Bangladesh's official history
IX. Extraordinary war of the ordinaries: Expulsion from history and exclusion by the state
X. External politics of trivializing the great Mukti-victory: Bangladesh's ugly birthmark and failure to try Pakistani war crimes
Epilogue. Ruling-class politics of diseventalisation: Settling the claims of history

