Pivotal certified professional core Spring 5 developer exam :

Cosmina, Iuliana.

Pivotal certified professional core Spring 5 developer exam : a study guide using Spring framework 5 / Iuliana Cosmina. - Second edition - Romania : Apress, c2020. - xx, 1007 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.

Description based upon print version of record. Spring Data JPA

Intro -- Table of Contents -- About the Author -- About the Technical Reviewer -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- Chapter 1: Book Overview -- What Is Spring, and Why Should You Be Interested in It? -- What Is the Focus of This Book? -- Who Should Read This Book? -- About the Certification Exam -- How to Use This Book as a Study Guide -- How Is This Book Structured? -- How Each Chapter Is Structured -- Conventions -- Downloading the Code -- Contacting the Author -- Recommended Development Environment -- Recommended JVM -- Recommended Project Build Tool -- Recommended IDE The Project Sample -- Chapter 2: Spring Bean Lifecycle and Configuration -- Old-Style Application Development -- Spring IoC Container and Dependency Injection -- Providing Configuration via XML Files -- Using Java Configuration -- The Annotations -- Spring Configuration Classes and the Application Context -- Injection Types -- Constructor Injection -- Setter Injection -- Field Injection -- Bean Scopes -- @AliasFor -- Bean Lifecycle Under the Hood -- Bean Declaration Inheritance -- Injecting Dependencies That Are Not Beans -- Using Bean Factories -- More About Autowiring Using Multiple Configuration Classes -- Spring Boot -- Configuration -- Logging -- Spring Initializr -- Summary -- Quiz -- Chapter 3: Testing Spring Applications -- A Few Types of Testing -- Test-Driven Development -- Unit and Integration Testing -- Testing with Stubs -- Unit Testing Using JUnit -- Unit Testing Using JUnit 5 -- Testing with Mocks -- EasyMock -- jMock -- Mockito -- PowerMock -- Testing with Spring -- Testing with Spring and JUnit 4 -- Testing with Spring and JUnit 5 -- A Few Other Useful Spring Test Annotations -- Using Profiles -- Spring Boot Testing -- Summary -- Quick Quiz Practical Exercise -- Chapter 4: Aspect-Oriented Programming with Spring -- Problems Solved by AOP -- Spring AOP -- AOP Terminology -- Quick Start -- Aspect Support Configuration using XML -- Defining Pointcuts -- Implementing Advice -- Before -- After Returning -- After Throwing -- After -- Around -- Conclusions -- Using Aspects in a Spring Boot Application -- Summary -- Quick Quiz -- Practical Exercise -- Chapter 5: Data Access -- Basic Data Access Using JDBC -- Spring Data Access -- Introducing JdbcTemplate -- Querying with JdbcTemplate -- Querying with NamedParameterJdbcTemplate Spring Data Access Exceptions -- Data Access Configuration in a Transactional Environment -- How Transaction Management Works in Spring -- Configure Transactions Support -- Testing Transactional Methods -- Making Third-Party Components Transactional -- Spring Programmatic Transaction Model -- **Distributed Transactions -- Introducing Hibernate and ORM -- Session and Hibernate Configuration -- Session and Hibernate Querying -- Exception Mapping -- Object Relational Mapping -- Java Persistence API -- Configure Spring and JPA with Hibernate Support -- JPA Querying -- Advanced JPA, JTA, JNDI

9781484251362 1484251369

