Head first JavaScript programming :

Freeman, Eric T.

Head first JavaScript programming : a brain-friendly guide / Eric T. Freeman and Elisabeth Robson - 2014 first edition - Sebastopol, CA : O'Reilly media inc. ; Shroff publishers & distributors, 2015.[ reprinted ] - xxxvi, 661 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.

Includes index.

A quick dip into JavaScript --
Writing real code --
Introducing functions --
Putting some order in your data --
Understanding objects --
Interacting with your web page --
Types, equality, conversion, and all that jazz --
Bringing it all together --
Asynchronous coding --
First-class functions --
Anonymous functions, scope, and closures --
Advanced object construction --
Using prototypes.

9789351105411 9788173664663 9780596007126 0596007124 9781449340131

