Bangabandhu Corner

Bangabandhu Corner

Bangabandhu Corner at Ayesha Abed Library is rich in books, pictures, documents and videos created on the life, work and ideals of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. This special corner is also enriched with Liberation War collections.

Architecture Portfolio Archive

Architecture Portfolio Archive

Ayesha Abed Library (BRAC University) in collaboration with the Architecture department decided to archive student's portfolio & drawing files in the institutional repositories.

BRAC RED Archive

BRAC RED Archive

In 2018 BRAC RED was merged with three institutes of BRAC University. 

Institutional Repository

Institutional Repository

Making your publication more visible and accessible

Brac Publications

Brac Publications

Check the Brac Health, Economic & Social Studies Research Reports, Annual Report and Publications in our institutional repository.