BRAC University faculty, students, researchers and staffs can now access BDLex(Online Comprehensive Repository of Judgments and Acts) database, enabling faster and better legal research, offering not only domestic case law and legislation, but also a vast  international (India and Pakistan) repository. There are so many options in BDLex like print ability of search results in PDF, Word &HTML, email the search results, save documents in personalised folder etc. You can get access this database through university IPs. 

Access URL

BDLex is a fully indexed and searchable online comprehensive repository of judgments and acts database, enabling faster and better legal research, offering not only domestic case law and legislation, but also a vast International (India and Pakistan) repository. BDLex provides a single point source of accessing diverse Bangladesh Legal and Business knowledge. This database provides a depth and breadth to your research that is simply not achievable with physical libraries.


Bangladesh Supreme Court

Appellate Division                               1965 till date

High Court Division                             1972 till date


East Pakistan                                                   

Board of Revenue of East Pakistan     1959-1969

Dhaka                                                        1950-1969

High Court of East Pakistan                 1950-1970


West Pakistan

Supreme Court                                      1950-1970  

Board of Revenue of West Pakistan  1956-1970

Evacuee Property Tribunal                  1953-1968    

Federal Court                                         1950-1953

High Court of Sindh and Balochistan  1957-1970

High Courts                                             1950-1970

  • West Pakistan
  • Lahore
  • Peshawar
  • Sindh Karachi

Privy Council Cases                                                        Pre 1950

Pre 1950 Cases for Courts of India

Supreme Court of India                                                 1950 till date                           

Bare Acts (India, Bangladesh, Pakistan) / Ordinance (Bangladesh)/ Orders (Bangladesh


Please feel free to contact with University Librarian for any further assistance in this regard.


Bdlex manual.pdf2