EBSCO Discovery Services (EDS)

Ayesha Abed Library is pleased to announce a trial access to EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) for BRAC University through the UGC Digital Library (UDL) Consortium . You can get access to EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) through University IPs. Your ATHENS username and password is required to access EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) off campus. 


EDS is an easy to use, yet powerful library-specific search engine. From a single search box it is possible to access the majority of Ayesha Abed Library’s online resources.

To begin your search, please visit the link:



Features of EDS: 

• Searches the full text of articles;

• Allows you to refine search results – e.g. locate the most recent articles, select the source type and publication, choose eBooks only;

• Users have the option of conducting a discovery search from the Basic Search Screen which provides a single search box, or the Advanced Search Screen which allows users to search with search modes, expanders, limiters and more;

• Provides access to the full text of articles;

• Includes additional features – e.g. the ability to create folders for your research and export citations 


Which resources does EDS search?
A full list is available on the library website, but to name a few: Business Source Complete, JSTOR, Emerald, ACM, Cambridge University Press, Oxford Scholarship Online, SAGE eBooks, and Institutional Repository items as well as the library catalogue.


We value your feedback on this trial. Please share your views by sending email to librarian@bracu.ac.bd