BRAC University Ayesha Abed Library, in collaboration with the Taylor and Francis Group, will be conducting an author workshop on November 15, 2017 at 2:00 pm in BBS Conference Room, Building 2, 6th Floor, UB20609. The theme of the workshop is Getting Published in the Digital Age

The workshop will include presentations on:

Publishing in an academic journal

Robinson Raju, Publishing Editor, Journals

Publishing ethics

Anindita Pandey, Regional Publishing Manager, Journals – South Asia

Publishing an academic book

Dr Shashank Shekhar Sinha, Publishing Director, Routledge Books

Open access: A modern way of publishing

Rajesh Shetty, Open Access Manager – South Asia

For details and registration please visit:

Please note that the last date for registration is November 13, 2017, after which we will share the venue details with the registered participants.

If you have any further query, please contact at 01817035923 or